Services Overview
Fraud cost insurance companies over 80 billion dollars last year. NRS offers three areas of service to help rein in fraud and provide accurate information for claim determinations. Our professional staff will obtain the information in a timely and ethical manner and provide you with frequent updates and concise, accurate reports.
We offer free consultations on any case to help you determine the best strategy for success.
Field Investigations
+ Surveillance
Surveillance is utilized to document the subject’s/claimant’s activities using state of the art covert and video equipment.
+ AOE/COE Investigation
Arising Out of Employment / Course of Employment. Gather information regarding a work related injury. Will often involve a scene investigation, statements of the injured party and witnesses to determine the circumstance surrounding the loss.
+ Subrogation
Investigation to determine fault and/or third party liability.
+ Liability Commercial Auto
Investigation to determine the facts surrounding a loss.
+ Theft/Loss
Obtain the facts of a theft or loss. Interviews with owner, records review, witnesses and law enforcement will often be sources of information.
+ Dramshop
Investigation of an establishment or individuals to determine liability regarding serving of liquor which may have ultimately been a factor in an accident that resulted in death, injury or damage.
+ Covert Activity Check
A background check plus a visit to the field. Photos of the area along with a description of all vehicles and signs of activity. A cost effective way to determine the possibility of surveillance.
+ Overt Activity Check
A background check plus a visit to the field. Photos of the area along with a full descrition of the scene. An in person interview could be conducted to cover employment, activities, medical history and current treatment. Local sources could be interviewed to provide employment and activities.
+ Continuance of Disability/Alive and Well Check
A background check plus an in person visit to the home. We will confirm identification and obtain current medical treatment. We will obtain a photo of home and area for your file.
+ Dependency Check
A background plus and in person visit to confirm residence, marital status and if deceased.
+ Annuitant Pensioner
An in person visit to confirm residence and if deceased.
+ Limited Pointed Investigation
If you require specific handling in the field. Records could be obtained, claimant interview, locate witness.
+ Contestable Death Claim
Investigate Life claim within the contestable period of the policy. Confirm the application, obtain statement from the beneficiary and obtain medical records.
+ Bodily Injury
Perform a scene investigation, interviews from witnesses and the injured party. Obtain pertinent records.
Desktop Investigations
1. Basic
Our Basic Social Media Investigation includes information from database, online search and social media platforms.
2. Intermediate
Our Intermediate Social Media Investigation includes the Basic components plus detailed information from the subject’s social account pages. information may also be obtained through known associates’ profiles. A summary is provided to outline the information for the customer.
3. Comprehensive
Our Comprehensive Social Media Investigation includes the Intermediate components plus a thorough analysis of all relevant activity, including hobbies, activities since date of loss and future planned activities, photos, articles, and any information related to injuries, limitations and employment. A full report will outline the information for the customer.
+ Skip Trace
Use of online and database to determine address or contact information.
+ Criminal and Civil Records
Online record check for civil and criminal records. Will include County, State and Federal levels.
+ Activity Check
To confirm identity and residence. Online civil and criminal records check plus motor vehicles, check name variations , basic media check and a map of the residence.
+ Asset Check
Online search to develop property and vehicles, Lien and Judgments, Bankruptcy filings, UCC and business records.
+ Medical Canvas
Contact is made with medical providers within a predetermined geographical area. Providers contacted will be determined by the claimant’s alleged injury and current treatment. 15 providers contacted. Records can be obtained if a signed authorization is provided.
+ Background/Pre-employment Check
Online investigation to confirm education, employment, civil, criminal, addresses and references.
Professional Services
+ Legal and Trial
Preparations Testifying, attend depositions, representing insurance company at mediation including frequent contact with the adjuster on the status.
+ Recorded Statements
Obtain a recorded statement face to face or telephonically.
+ Record Review and Retrieval
Review and obtain records from local, County, State and Federal locations. May involve and review of civil, criminal, bankruptcy, professional records and accident or crash reports.
+ Hunting/Fishing License Information
Obtain hunting and fishing license information which can include ownership of watercraft, hunting area and harvest information.
+ DL and Motor Vehicles
Obtain current driving and motor vehicle licensing information.